Friday, April 29, 2011


So sorry for the lack of posts lately, I've been consumed with end of semester projects, presentations, papers and paintings. The top is just a peak at some of the small things I've been doing lately when I get frustrated with my larger paintings. And this lovely stack of books will continue to own my life until May 9th when I give my thesis presentation at the end of the year art history symposium.

I graduate May 12th and can't wait to be able to paint and read WHATEVER I WANT! (and devote more time to this blog. Again, sorry!)

Friday, April 8, 2011

The Cosmetic is Cosmic

Katie Stoltman, The Cosmetic is Cosmic, 2011
(Acrylic on canvas wrapped panel, 36" x 36")

Sunday, April 3, 2011


1 & 2 - I've been extremely stressed and anxious lately, but sometimes the best thing you can do is temporarily forget about everything that you HAVE to do and do something you WANT to do; I spent Saturday afternoon at Barton Springs with my friends Delicate Steve and it was just what I needed to clear my head and calm down. 

I was too relaxed to remember to get a picture of us at Barton Springs, so the first photo is of Barton Spring (photo via Austin Chronicle) and the second one is of Delicate Steve under the Delicate Arch, a place I hope to visit ASAP! (Check out their music here, I guarantee you will find yourself smiling!)

3 - I came home to find out one of my paintings made it into my University's Juried "Talent Show". The opening reception is tomorrow at 5 pm in the Mitte Building for anyone who will be around San Marcos, event details here. Many of my Soda Tooth cohorts also have work in the show!
(Installation shot via the gallery's facebook page)

4 - My other good news is that I got to go pick up the triangle panels I had built for my final project in my painting class. I've got really exciting stuff planned for them. Watch out Frank Stella, I'm comin' for you!